I missed this at the cinema because DS10 was too young to go, so we bought it the week of the DVD release.
I have to admit, I've watched it about five times already! Not only do I love the Pegg/Frost dynamic (Hot Fuzz, Sean Of The Dead), it's revisiting all of my favourite films as a kid. Star Wars, E.T, Explorers, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, The Goonies, The Karate Kid, Aliens - so many classic old lines and images (and so many classic new ones!) crop up in perfect synch with the plot. It's definitely more a film for big kids my age than little kids, with the added kick that it's for grown-ups by the use of colourful and irreverently hilarious language, that kids my age have since learned is part of the real world :)
Also featuring Kristen Wiig (Whip It, Bridesmaids) and Jason Bateman (Hancock, The Switch), the cast is packed out with comedy talent, including the voice of Seth Rogen as Paul, Sigourney Weaver at her boss-like finest since Working Girl, and brilliantly clumsy rookie agents Haggard and O'Reilly, played by Bill Hader and Jo Lo Truglio, both of whom I'd quite happily watch played again in another movie... Bateman in particular seems set to take over the boots of Harrison Ford, having picked up most of his cult lines for the film. Wouldn't mind seeing more of him in action. Er, I mean, action roles.
If, like me, you spent much of your youth in the video store scrutinising sci-fi covers, wondering whether to watch Ice Pirates again or Return Of The Jedi, the film PAUL is the perfect reassurance that you're not alone out there...
L xxxxxxx